BBN International
Here’s an organization that we know well. As part of BBN, the world’s B2B agency, we regularly collaborate on projects to promote our global network of agency partners. That was particularly important during the pandemic which ushered in remote working and required new, creative ways to reach out to our B2B clients and prospects.Turning conferencing online with the ‘Face [of] The Future’ fair
During the pandemic BBN decided to create a unique, fully online business fair. Referro was responsible for the creative part and our German BBN partner WOB did the technical implementation. All other partners did their part in the advertising of the online meeting. There were two key goals: to show customers the possibilities of organizing events in a fully online environment – very relevant during a pandemic – and to create a fair which showcased the know-how and skills that exist within the BBN network while generating leads. Our main target group was CMOs of mid- to-large organizations.

Referro was responsible for the creative aspect of this assignment. Although different nations and people were unable to socially interact, we still wanted to create an online conference and fair that had a personal, interactive and welcoming look-and-feel.
Together with experts at WOB we created an online experience where you could move around in a virtual environment: enter the lobby; visit expert lectures, hear keynotes and panel discussions on the main stage; open a case study; meet some of our agencies in the exhibition area; and even pop into ‘The World Café’ to socialize.
The experience was live, which really added to the feeling of attending a real fair, and it was held at different times for visitors in APAC, European and American regions. We reached out to potential attendees with an automated email campaign and created a buzz through social media.
The whole campaign achieved 1193 registrations and 446 participants (including C-Level members, decision makers and practitioners). Attendees came from 54 countries and 15 different industries. The creative approach, which brought conferencing to life online, received positive comments and feedback after the event.

Need an online presence that’s more creative?

Talk to Edwin about how Referro can add creative thinking to your campaigns.