Referro en Comaxx – Samen onze horizon verbreden

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Achtergrond en ontwikkeling

De samenwerking kwam voort uit een gedeelde behoefte aan ondersteuning bij een project van een klant. “We waren op zoek naar een partner die onze diensten kon aanvullen,” vertelt Gerard van den Bogaart . “Comaxx, met zijn sterke achtergrond in online marketing en e-commerce, was een logische keuze.”

De samenwerking is gebaseerd op wederzijdse waardering voor elkaars expertise. “Door de samenwerking met Referro kunnen we onze klanten beter ondersteunen bij hun internationale groei,” zegt Sam van der Put. Gerard is het daarmee eens: “Met Referro’s diepgaande ervaring in B2B en high-end retail, en onze kennis van e-commerce en online marketing, kunnen we een compleet pakket aanbieden.”

Internationale ambities

Een belangrijk aspect van de samenwerking is internationale uitbreiding. Samen met moederbedrijf Acknowledge heeft Comaxx al meer dan 350 experts in dienst. Sam legt uit: “Referro is de exclusieve Nederlandse partner van BBN International en geeft ons toegang tot meer dan 1.300 experts in 66 steden, verspreid over 33 landen wereldwijd. Hierdoor kunnen we een bredere markt bereiken en bedienen.”

“Deze samenwerking is niet alleen een strategische zet, maar ook een kans om van elkaar te leren en samen te groeien,” merkt Gerard van den Bogaart op. “We geloven dat onze gezamenlijke inspanningen zullen resulteren in meer waarde voor onze klanten.”


De directeuren van beide agentschappen zijn optimistisch over de toekomst. “Referro en Comaxx vullen elkaar perfect aan en bieden samen letterlijk een wereld aan mogelijkheden voor bedrijven in binnen- en buitenland.” Dit partnerschap is een stap voorwaarts in het realiseren van onze ambitie om een leidende rol te spelen op zowel de nationale als internationale markt,” besluit Sam van der Put . Gerard is het daarmee eens: “We werken al bijna 30 jaar intensief samen met BBN-bureaus op alle continenten. Met Comaxx voegen we daar nu een sterke partner in Nederland aan toe.”

Agencies and businesses worldwide trust the tool to generate leads, enhance conversion rates, and maximize returns on marketing investments. Renowned for innovation, open architecture, and exceptional customer support, it is offered at a fraction of the cost compared to its competitors.

Why Choose Constant Contact / SharpSpring? 

As said earlier, one of the major advantages of the software is its affordability. Licenses are three to four times cheaper than those of competitors. It serves as a comprehensive marketing automation tool, allowing you to configure, monitor, and analyze both the marketing and sales processes. Integration is seamless with your website or various platforms, including Facebook, Google Ads, and popular CRMs like SalesForce. Through its own CRM, all incoming leads can be segmented. Additionally, you can connect your email to the software to track communication history with leads. Other features include lead scoring, A/B testing, and direct contact via a chatbot.

Referro: Your Constant Contact Gold Partner

Referro has been a partner of SharpSpring for more than 10 years, and the last 5 years as a Gold Partner. Our trained experts meet all gold level requirements of the certification program. With this certification, Referro is well-equipped to help clients to generate qualified leads, convert more leads into sales, and optimize the ROI of marketing campaigns.

BBN: A Strategic Partner of Constant Contact

BBN International is a strategic partner of Constant Contact since a couple of years, providing added value specialist support. As a strategic partner, BBN contributes specific specialisms and knowledge in B2B marketing, serving as an additional resource for clients and agencies globally.

Park & Battery behoort ook tot de vijf snelst groeiende bureaus van de VS volgens het B2B Marketing US Agencies Benchmarking Report van 2023. Ze zijn door de Association of National Advertisers and B2B Marketing uitgeroepen tot B2B bureau van het jaar 2023 en staan op de Chief Marketer 200 ranglijst.

Park & Battery met hun hoofdkantoor in Oakland, Californië beschouwt zichzelf als een B2B Launch Agency. Ze zijn gespecialiseerd in het creëren van merken, campagnes en ervaringen met impact, van strategie en PR tot creatief/ontwerp, inhoud en go-to-market strategieën. Het bureau werkt voor diverse branches, waaronder technologie, financiële dienstverlening, biowetenschappen, transport en logistiek, AI, automatisering en IoT, professionele dienstverlening, onderwijs en media.

BBN will leverage its network of partner agencies and specialist teams across the globe to provide Amogy with a seamless and hassle-free experience as it brings its vision of using ammonia as a clean energy solution to life.

“Our team looks forward to a great working relationship with BBN, all its partner agencies, and our work together to share Amogy’s vision of accelerating the global journey to net zero with our ammonia-to-power solution,” said Red Drummond, Amogy marketing manager. “BBN provides the features and attributes of a global marketing agency, combined with localized regional support as we need it. The ability to work with a diverse Partnership is a great way for us to have one source of contact and management in all areas of our engagement.”

BBN’s approach combined with our partner’s industry expertise, creative ability, and global reach demonstrates our commitment to advancing a sustainable future. Our collective efforts are aimed at encouraging a transition towards a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable planet.

Over Sabia

Dit is onze vijfde nieuwe bureaupartner dit jaar; Sabia is gevestigd in Sao Paulo, Brazilië. Ze bouwen vanaf het merk de marketing op van hun klanten door middel van zorgvuldig ontworpen content met creatieve en digitale oplossingen. Ze zijn sinds 2017 gecertificeerd als ‘Great Place to Work’ en zijn ook een trots lid van Pledge 1% dat pro bono Braziliaanse sociale en culturele initiatieven ondersteunt.

Over Ulled

Ulled, opgericht in 1964, is een communicatieadviesbureau met een multidisciplinair team met kantoren in Lissabon en Barcelona. Ze hebben meer dan 50 jaar ervaring in het beheer van merken en zijn op zoek naar uitbreiding van hun B2B-portfolio. Ze hebben ervaring in uiteenlopende bedrijfssectoren en bieden communicatie- en public-relationsstrategieën om vertrouwen en geloofwaardigheid op te bouwen bij verschillende belanghebbenden.

It could be that your marketing strategy doesn’t translate well from one territory to another; your competitors use completely different strategies in different marketplaces; your SEO campaign isn’t international in nature; or your messaging isn’t right for the diverse cultures, languages, and business practices that you must now embrace.
Here at Referro, we’ve built a local gateway through which our clients are currently achieving global success. But before you step into it and disappear in a puff of smoke, we’ve put together a few ideas on what to pack to help on your cross-border B2B journey.

A concise world atlas

You probably have a good idea of the sales territories you’d like to explore, but it always helps if someone’s really familiar with the terrain. Referro belongs in the atlas of BBN, the world’s B2B agency, with 66 office on the ground in 32 countries. We say it’s a concise atlas because there’s no red tape separating our operations: every member agency is entrepreneurial; agile; trained in the same B2B approaches; and focused on delivering joined up logistics and results for our clients when they step out internationally. You can find a map of our partners here.


Data, analytics, and content building are some of the most important currencies to ensure cross-border B2B marketing is a success. These marketing components work together, with data and analytics helping you to find ‘micro-markets’ for your products and services; and the right content enabling you to deliver more personalised, targeted international communications.

A marketing translator

Localization is essential so that messaging which currently resonates locally, also reverberates globally. This is more than translation: it’s about adapting your content’s full meaning to a different culture. You may also have revisit your imagery and video work to ensure visual relevance. Work can be adapted of course (we’ve achieved results that way many times); but in many cases, starting with a bespoke international campaign approach can be more cost-effective, and align more closely to your business objectives in the long run.

Tech essentials

Machine learning is one such essential technology: it can make personalized marketing across geographies easier by analyzing customer data, and matching it to targeted offerings. Geo-marketing is another: enabling, for example, the creation of language-sensitive web pages or the ability to feature different products across different countries. International programmatic advertising can also be cost-effective for brand awareness. And, of course, localized marketing automation using platforms like HubSpot, Marketo, Oracle Eloqua, Salesforce etc all pack a punch. Leveraging these kind of marketing technologies and automation is a familiar role for Referro.
 On a final note, it can be hard enough to introduce a winning brand in your native country. However, if you can build a successful and popular B2B brand at home, you can be more confident that your product and marketing strategy will be viable abroad. Referro sits at this gateway: helping to build strong businesses for clients in The Netherlands, as well as assisting those companies – and many others – to expand and succeed in new international markets.

The world is at your feet

If you have global ambitions, why not get around the table with Referro? You won’t even need a passport. Just call Gerard for an initial chat.

Get in touch

+31 (0)85 07 06 936

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Leave a message for Gerard

Custom Media is een full-service B2B bureau dat marketingoplossingen biedt die data met creativiteit combineren. Het bureau gelooft in het vermenselijken van B2B-merken door de kracht van storytelling. Dit betekent dat ze perfect passen bij BBN’s eigen filosofie! Custom Media werd in 2007 in Tokio opgericht als uitgever van zakelijke tijdschriften, maar breidde zijn diensten al snel uit met contentmarketing, creatie en ontwerp, digitale en sociale media – en is nu ook actief op het gebied van strategie, branding, betaalde media en vraagontwikkeling, plus ABM.

De 25 fulltime medewerkers van Custom Media komen uit 12 landen en spreken 15 talen (voornamelijk Japans en Engels!). Ze zijn toegewijd aan het ondersteunen van wereldwijde bedrijven die willen uitbreiden in Japan en Japanse bedrijven die internationaal willen uitbreiden. Ze kijken ernaar uit om met elkaar in contact te komen en het succes van BBN te helpen groeien.

This means DMG is ready to switch to Deployteq to further optimize its marketing activities with Referro’s support. We have been a partner of DMG for many years and have assisted in the implementation of the new platform.
“We are very happy with this collaboration,” says Monique Bijnen, CRM and Retail Specialist at Referro who was closely involved in the implementation. “Deployteq is a powerful platform that will help DMG reach its customers even better and deliver the right message to leads at the right time. We look forward to building even more great campaigns together with DMG’s CRM team.”
“We have been working with Referro for many years and are very satisfied with the quality of their services,” says Erica van Esch, CRM manager at DMG. “We are convinced that with Deployteq and Referro we can achieve even more together.”

A long-term relation

The collaboration between Referro and DMG is more than just an association between two companies. The employees of both organizations work together as colleagues, with Referro providing both in- and out-house support, which will continue in the future.
The addition of Deployteq Certification means that Referro now has experience of a vast range of marketing automation systems including Eloqua, SharpSpring, Portrait, HubSpot and Pardot. We are also SharpSpring and Oracle-certified.
This makes Referro the ideal partner to support you in the short or long term to leverage marketing automation platforms. And of course, we can integrate automation consultancy with data-driven campaign development; development of personas or customer journeys; and/or content strategies.

Effectiveness in B2B marketing, however, is complex: it requires identifying the right audience, crafting compelling messages, and selecting appropriate channels to maximize impact. In a highly competitive B2B landscape, you don’t just become effective – you have to align and optimize all of your resources in order to generate a return on investment.

Then there’s the human factor: put bluntly, not every marketer always thinks big. So the marketing plan at the start of the year will consist of ‘micro-goals’ like increasing brand awareness (a notch), getting social clicks (regardless of results), and counting the number of visitors at the annual trade fair (Jim dropped by this time).

Meanwhile, in the boardroom, the focus of the decision-makers is on turnover, growth, and business expansion. It’s for the marketing plan to contribute to these goals, support the business, and define brand growth objectives. So why can’t it be more effective?

Let’s dare

These days, thanks to data and analytics, you can be daring without being dangerous. A data-driven approach using analytics will allow your businesses to refine its strategies continually, optimize campaigns, and allocate resources wisely for maximum impact. When it works – and it will with the right B2B marketing partner – it works well, and you can build repeatable results and ROI into your marketing processes. Who knows, one day you could even ditch that annual plan for good.

Along the way, marketers will gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. These are key to creating personalized customer experiences, and messaging that resonates deeply because you understand the customers’ challenges.

It’s all about creating a more daring brand that stands out in today’s competitive B2B landscape. And that goes hand in hand with daring to be different creatively – seeking out bold campaigns that get noticed and talked about by your buyers. Dare we suggest Referro is the agency that can deliver on both?

Don’t be shy!

If you’re interested in how we use data and analytics to drive the ambitions of our clients, have a chat with Carl.

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+31 (0)85 07 06 936

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Eleius is in 2011 opgericht door Etienne Viellard, een voormalige internationale marketeer bij Salesforce, Oracle, Hyperion en Neolane. Het bedrijf is gevestigd in Parijs en biedt uitgebreide full-service marketingoplossingen voor groeiende Europese bedrijven.

De expertise van het bedrijf omvat internationaal go-to-market advies, positionering en berichtgeving, branding, het creëren van meertalige content en het wereldwijd genereren van digitale leads. Eleius heeft meer dan 80 Europese bedrijven geholpen om internationaal te groeien en blinkt uit in het lanceren van bedrijven in Europa en Noord-Amerika.

Huidige klanten van Eleius zullen nu profiteren van de gezamenlijke kracht van 1400+ BBN marketingspecialisten verspreid over alle continenten, wat zorgt voor impactvolle campagnes wereldwijd. En Referro en andere partnerbureaus zullen in ruil daarvoor profiteren door toegang te krijgen tot nieuwe Franse expertise via een toonaangevend full-service B2B-bureau.