Marketing and privacy: stay up-to-date

What is Consent Mode V2 and why should I implement it?
You may already be aware of the existence of Consent Mode V2. In recent weeks, there have been numerous posts on LinkedIn on this subject. In case you missed it anyway; From March 2024, stricter rules will apply in the European Union regarding advertising and target group building. This has direct consequences for the use of Google Ads, among other things. Google’s solution to the tightened rules is Consent Mode V2. This enables you to comply with the new legislation. If you are using Google Analytics, Google Ads or other advertising, and you are not yet fully aware of the new rules, then be sure to read on.
Google Consent Mode is a tool from Google that enables advertisers to meet the requirements of the updated privacy regulations in the European Union. This states that parties must request permission from the user about the collection of their data.
One of the key features of Consent Mode V2 is the ability to customize the level of tracking based on the user’s specific consent. This means that advertisers only collect and process data from users who have explicitly consented to tracking. It gives users more control over their data and ensures that advertisers only use data that has been obtained lawfully.
In addition, Consent Mode V2 supports consent management when using different devices. This improves the overall user experience, helps marketers conduct more accurate analyses, and improves targeting strategies. The big advantage is that with this new method you can also send anonymized data to your measuring systems. This way you retain more data and can still comply with the set guidelines.
Even if you already have a GDPR-proof cookie banner on your website, the correct settings are not automatically implemented. Check at short notice whether everything is set up correctly, or have it checked by someone who knows about it. Google will start stricter checks from March 2024 and can stop the conversion tracking of your Google advertising tool. This leads to data loss and less accurate results.
What is server-side tagging and why should I do anything with it?
Server-side tagging is a way of tracking in which tracking tags are not placed by the servers of the advertising party (Google Ads, Facebook), but by its own server. This makes it a 1st party cookie instead of a 3rd party cookie.
Server-side tagging therefore reduces the chance of data loss due to ad blockers or browser settings that prevent tracking, because the tags are executed by its own managed server. This means that user data is collected reliably and marketers can work with that data.
Third-party cookies are already being blocked more and more often and will probably be blocked even more so in the future, which makes it difficult to collect data. Server-side tagging is the solution for this. By placing a server between the web browser and GA4 (the next, improved generation of Google Analytics) you have an intermediate layer from which you can determine which data you want to transfer. This ‘first-party’ data, which cannot be blocked, ensures that you build a more valuable database.
Start now
By implementing Google Consent Mode V2 and server-side tagging on time, you comply with stricter laws and regulations. Moreover, you are well prepared for a future in which first-party data becomes increasingly important for campaigns, insights, and reporting. Give your users more control over their data and gather valuable insights without sacrificing privacy or security. A win-win situation for all parties. So delve into this matter, implement Consent Mode V2, as soon as possible, or have this done if you do not want unnecessary data loss.
Do you want to know more about privacy in digital marketing?

Monique can tell you everything there is to know.