BBNmixtape – #19 Seek and you shall find: The search for perfect SEO

Listen to the BBN podcast about the dos and don’ts of SEO.

It’s official! Google is pretty clever at filtering out poor content. That’s great news for us and businesses that want to improve their Google search rankings by delivering content their customers want. It is terrible news for those who try and ‘cheat the system’ with AI-generated content and still try to hide ‘invisible’ keywords on their pages. Join us on this episode to learn some great tips on making SEO work for you from our SEO expert today, Dave Robinson.

Listen to the BBN podcast about the Big Picture of B2B marketing.

In this episode of BBN Mixtape, we elevate our conversation and look at some macro events affecting the marketing industry. From discussing the consolidation happening among agencies, the shift in agency working practices, or how short-term, tactical execution continues to dominate long-term, strategic approaches, we dive into what agencies are getting right and where we can improve.

Listen to the BBN podcast about the Big Picture of B2B marketing.

Nearly ten years ago, the head of HR from a little-known petrochemicals business contacted BBN Partner Fifth Ring for support in evolving their brand. Little did anyone know at the time that both client and agency would learn a lot about each other, and how brands can be built and endure. This podcast explores the assignment from both sides of the table including the considerations by the client in selecting an agency, how the agency reconciled the multitude of challenges the client presented, and the inevitable speed bumps along the way.

Listen to the BBN podcast about being authentic in B2B marketing.

Be yourself, bring your real self…mottos that rule today’s roost. But the journey to authenticity is often complex and fraught. What does it mean to be authentic? What would it take to to translate it from top-level leadership all the way down to front desk operations? What does it take to understand why we do what we do? We explore these questions and more in understanding experiential authentic leadership with Dr Pauline Serice, founder of Dr Pauline Serice & Associates.

Listen to the BBN podcast about the advancements in marketing analytics.

Analytics has typically been too slow to be operationally relevant to making business decisions. In this conversation with Mark Stouse, CEO of Proof Data Corporation, we discuss the advancements in marketing analytics that make it possible to avoid the tyranny of intuition and cooked data, and establish analytics as an inseparable coach and bodyguard to helping achieve desired business outcomes.Analytics has typically been too slow to be operationally relevant to making business decisions. In this conversation with Mark Stouse, CEO of Proof Data Corporation, we discuss the advancements in marketing analytics that make it possible to avoid the tyranny of intuition and cooked data, and establish analytics as an inseparable coach and bodyguard to helping achieve desired business outcomes.

Listen to the BBN podcast about agenda-free B2B marketing research.

We delve into a much anticipated B2B Marketing Research Report 2022 that involved a record number of organisations from across the globe, including BBN and Australian partner Green Hat, sharing their plans and perceptions for the year ahead. Shorn of an agenda, unlike vendor-sponsored narratives, this is a handy statistically-relevant, data-rich study to set marketing compasses by. Listen to get the gist and download the full report here.

Listen to the BBN podcast about widening revenue pipelines with the right brand and content strategy.

TM ONE, the enterprise arm of Malaysia’s leading telco demonstrates how their brand and content strategies are helping to generate year-on-year growth in marketing-attributed revenue, along with uplifting their brand association as a trusted partner for digital transformation.

Listen to the BBN podcast about the key challenges at the core of the B2B marketing industry dilemma.

Join Joel Harrison, Editor in Chief at B2B Marketing as he chats with BBN’s Face of The Future event keynote speakers about the key challenges at the core of the B2B marketing industry dilemma: brand building, putting strategy before tactics and fostering a mindest to create the right culture. This is a recording made immediately after the event when Joel got together with our speakers to chat more candidly about the topic and themes they presented in their event sessions.

Listen to the BBN podcast about why employer branding is vital.

Face it, it’s a job seeker’s market. Your company’s reputation is as vital a consideration as your brand perception. But the former is neglected for the most part, often by the best in the business. Together with Carola Hecker, Client Services Director at wob AG, we unpack the essentials of implementing an employer branding strategy.

Listen to the BBN podcast about Brand Strategy.

Once upon a time, the brand ruled. Now, obsessed with performance marketing, B2B appears to have consigned brand marketing to the backseat. Is this wise? Richard Parsons, Founder and Managing Director of True, helps unearth the ramifications of such “sole-priority” approaches and nudges us towards restoring brand to its rightful status in the marketing pantheon.